The team of PBD consists of eminent and established experts worldwide in education, culture, communication, and other liberal arts, contributing to our shared vision of “peace and sustainable development” on Earth.
They are active in their domains in the universities, institutions, organizations, and PBD projects, such as international seminars, workshops, awards competitions, and exhibitions.

Mr Shigeru Aoyagi
PBD Founder and
Former Director,
UNESCO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok
UNESCO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok
Areas of Expertise: Literacy and Non-formal Education

Prof Yuto Kitamura
PBD Deputy Director-General
Professor, Graduate School of Education,
University of Tokyo
University of Tokyo
Areas of Expertise: Comparative Education, Education Policies

Prof Miki Sugiura
Professor, Department of Education, Sophia University, Tokyo,
UNESCO Chair on Education for Human Dignity, Peace and Sustainable Development
UNESCO Chair on Education for Human Dignity, Peace and Sustainable Development
Areas of Expertise: Comparative and International Education

Ms Duriya Amatavivat
Director, SEAMEO Regional Centre for Sufficiency
Economy Philosophy for Sustainability, Bangkok
Former Deputy Permanent Secretary
for Education in Thailand
Economy Philosophy for Sustainability, Bangkok
Former Deputy Permanent Secretary
for Education in Thailand
Areas of Expertise: International Cooperation in Education, ASEAN Regional Cooperation

Prof Yasushi Hirosato
Professor, Center for Global Education
and Discovery, Sophia University, Tokyo
Managing Director, Sophia Global Education
and Discovery Co., Ltd., Bangkok
and Discovery, Sophia University, Tokyo
Managing Director, Sophia Global Education
and Discovery Co., Ltd., Bangkok
Areas of Expertise: Education and Development

Mr Etienne Clément
Advisor for Minister of Culture in Cambodia
Former Director, UNESCO Apia Office
Former Director, UNESCO Apia Office
Areas of Expertise: Culture and Law

Mr Christian Manhart
Advisor for Hanoi city, Vietnam,
Former Director, UNESCO Hanoi Office
Former Director, UNESCO Hanoi Office
Areas of Expertise: Art History and Archaeology

Ms Chiharu Kawakami
Senior Advisor, Former Secretary-General, National Federation of Associations for UNESCO in Japan, Tokyo
Areas of Expertise: Civil society engagement and PPP

Prof Junko Okahashi
Department of International Studies,
Faculty of Liberal Arts,
University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo
Department of International Studies,
Faculty of Liberal Arts,
University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo
Areas of Expertise: Cultural Heritage Studies, World Heritage, Cultural Policy, International Cultural Cooperation

Prof Manabu Kamiishi
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy,
Faculty of Liberal Arts
University of Sacred Heart, Tokyo
Faculty of Liberal Arts
University of Sacred Heart, Tokyo
Areas of Expertise: Aesthetics and art studies

Mr Yoshinori Sasaki
Executive Officer, Tokyo Printing Ink Mfg. Co., Ltd. Tokyo
Former CEO and President, Tokyo Ink (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Bangkok
Former CEO and President, Tokyo Ink (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Bangkok
Areas of Expertise: Management and CSR for SDGs

Mr Shiki Aoyagi
Futures Inc., Tokyo
Areas of Expertise: Environment Economics, Carbon Marketing, Photography

HE Ambassador Tumur Amarsanaa
Ambassador Extraordinary and
plenipotentiary of Mongolian to Thailand
plenipotentiary of Mongolian to Thailand
Areas of Expertise: Law and Diplomacy

Ambassador Mohamed Jinah
Former Ambassador Extraordinary and
plenipotentiary of Maldives to Thailand
plenipotentiary of Maldives to Thailand
Areas of Expertise: Business and Diplomacy

Prof Toshiyuki Kono
Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Law, Kyushu University,
Honorary President, ICOMOS
Honorary President, ICOMOS
Areas of Expertise: Private International Law and International Heritage Law

Dr Javad Mottaghi
Professor associé, HEC Montreal,
Honorary Councilor/Former Secretary-General,
Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union
Honorary Councilor/Former Secretary-General,
Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union
Areas of Expertise: Media development and media for development

Dr Mikiko Kanda
Technical Lead for the Healthy Ageing, World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for the Western Pacific
Areas of Expertise: Public Health